Table of Contents

Getting ready

Download firmware

Get the V4.2.4L6a3 firmware (hash: 724e0b9981c8b777d87b5c0992c31c46003bfedd4561c3ef31ee31fdacd4bf4)

Set up connectivity

The ONT is accessible at Configure your router with a VLAN using the subnet and connect the ONT to a VLAN-mapped port.

This existing guide shows how to do this on a Ubiquiti router.

ONT credentials

Note that there are different credentials for Web UI vs. command line:

  • Web UI (HTTP): admin:letmein
  • Shell (Telnet): leox:leolabs_7

We use the Web UI for the firmware update, and later will use shell access to update the ONT settings.

Updating the firmware

Ensure the HW_HWVER value is set to LXE-010X-A (default). If changed to SMBSxxxxxxx for Livebox 7, revert it to LXE-010X-A before proceeding.
