A rearm method is needed to reconfigure the ONU to keep using the modification in case of an unintentional double power failure or a double reboot of the host.
After a fail safe the ONU will reconfigure itself in the default factory state. To be able to communicate with it, you will have to use the original serial number.
Bellow are examples of what can be done.
Table of Contents
Cron Job template
Added a cron job template to rearm the module.
cd /usr/local/opnsense/service/conf/actions.d/
nano actions_onu_rearm.conf
parameters:rearm %s
message:Rearm ONU (%s)
description:Rearm ONU
service configd restart
To test
configctl -d onu_rearm reload GPONXXXXXXXX
tail -500f /var/log/configd/configd_YYYYMMDD.log
Cron job usage
Added a new cron job in opnsense.
The value to put is that of the original serial GPONXXXXXXXX (and not SMBSXXXXXXXX as in the capture)
crontab -e
# each 2 mins rearm ONU (only if ONU is in failsafe mode, otherwise can't access)
*/2 * * * * (echo "" && /bin/date && /opt/onu_fs/fs_xgspon_mod_release-v1.3/fs_xgspon_mod.py rearm GPONXXXXXXXX) >> /opt/onu_fs/rearm.log 2>&1
# every monday at 22:00
0 22 * * mon mv /opt/onu_fs/rearm.log /opt/onu_fs/rearm.log.1