This optional part replace the files created for nftable:
- /etc/nftables.conf
- /etc/network/inject_flowtable_fastpath
- /etc/network/inject_trace_nft
- /etc/network/remove_trace_nft
Main configuration (with counter and comment)
nano /etc/nftables.conf
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
flush ruleset
# Subnets
define LAN_IPV4_SUBNET = {,, }
define LAN_IPV6_SUBNET = { xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::/64 }
define VPN_IPV4_SUBNET = {, }
# IFace
define WAN_IFACE = { "vlan832" }
define LAN_IFACE = { "lan" } # { "lan1", "lan2", "lanN" }
define VPN_IFACE = { "xxxxx_vpn1_ifacename_xxxxx0", "xxxxx_vpn2_ifacename_xxxxx0" }
# Hosts
define IPV4_HOST_1 = { }
define IPV6_HOST_1 = { xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx/128 }
table ip nat {
chain prerouting {
type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
# Example Forward
# WAN(80/443) => IP LAN(80/443)
#iifname $WAN_IFACE tcp dport { http, https } dnat to comment "Web Redirect"
#iifname $WAN_IFACE tcp dport { ssh } counter dnat to $IPV4_HOST_1:22 comment "nat.prerouting ssh redirect accepted"
chain input {
type nat hook input priority 0; policy accept;
counter comment "nat.input accepted"
chain output {
type nat hook output priority 0; policy accept;
counter comment "nat.output accepted"
chain postrouting {
type nat hook postrouting priority 0; policy accept;
counter comment "nat.postrouting accepted"
oifname $WAN_IFACE counter masquerade comment "nat.postrouting masquerade accepted"
#counter comment "count accepted packets"
#counter log prefix "nft#nat: "
# Filter IPV4
table ip filter4 {
chain input {
type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
iif lo accept
ct state { related, established } counter accept comment "filter4.input related/established accepted"
iifname $LAN_IFACE ip saddr $LAN_IPV4_SUBNET counter accept comment "filter4.input From LAN Subnet accepted" # From LAN Subnet on LAN IFace (Accept)
iifname $VPN_IFACE ip saddr $VPN_IPV4_SUBNET counter accept comment "filter4.input From VPN Subnet accepted" # From VPN Subnet on VPN IFace (Accept)
counter comment "filter4.input droped"
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
ct state { related, established } counter accept comment "filter4.forward related/established accepted"
ct state invalid counter drop comment "filter4.forward invalid dropped"
iifname $LAN_IFACE ct state new counter accept comment "filter4.forward LAN to WAN accepted" # From LAN to WAN (NAT)
oifname $LAN_IFACE ip daddr $LAN_IPV4_SUBNET counter accept comment "filter4.forward WAN to LAN accepted" # From WAN to LAN
counter comment "filter4.forward droped"
chain output {
type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
counter comment "filter4.output accepted"
# Filter IPV6
table ip6 filter6 {
chain input {
type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
iif lo accept
ct state { related, established } counter accept comment "filter6.input related/established accepted"
iifname $LAN_IFACE ip6 saddr fe80::/64 counter accept comment "filter6.input From LAN Subnet accepted" # From LAN Subnet on LAN IFace (Accept)
iifname $LAN_IFACE ip6 saddr $LAN_IPV6_SUBNET counter accept comment "filter6.input From LAN Subnet accepted" # From LAN Subnet on LAN IFace (Accept)
# Orange Advert & Solicit
iifname $WAN_IFACE ip6 daddr fe80::/64 udp dport { 546 } counter accept comment "filter6.input Orange DHCP Adv/Rpl accepted" # Accept Orange DHCP Advertise & Reply
iifname $WAN_IFACE icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-advert } counter accept comment "filter6.input Orange DHCP Sol/Adv accepted" # Solicit, Advert from Orange on WAN
counter comment "filter6.input droped"
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
ct state { related, established } counter accept comment "filter6.forward related/established accepted"
ct state invalid counter drop comment "filter6.forward invalid dropped"
iifname $LAN_IFACE ct state new counter accept comment "filter6.forward LAN to WAN accepted"
# Example IPV6 Filtering
# Accept ping on all IPV6 in subnet
ip6 daddr $LAN_IPV6_SUBNET icmpv6 type { echo-request } counter accept comment "filter6.forward icmp accepted"
ip6 daddr $IPV6_HOST_1 tcp dport { ssh } counter accept comment "filter6.forward ssh accepted"
counter comment "filter6.forward droped"
chain output {
type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
counter comment "filter6.output accepted"
Fastpath injection
nano /etc/network/inject_flowtable_fastpath
# Add flowtable fastpath
nft add "flowtable ip filter4 fastpath { hook ingress priority 0; devices = { lan, vlan832 }; }"
nft add "flowtable ip6 filter6 fastpath { hook ingress priority 0; devices = { lan, vlan832 }; }"
echo "flowtable fastpath added to nftable rules"
# Add flowtable usage
nft insert "rule ip filter4 forward ct state { related, established } meta l4proto { tcp, udp } counter flow offload @fastpath comment \"filter4.forward fastpath\""
nft insert "rule ip6 filter6 forward ct state { related, established } meta l4proto { tcp, udp } counter flow offload @fastpath comment \"filter6.forward fastpath\""
echo "flowtable fastpath usage added to nftable rules"
chmod 750 /etc/network/inject_flowtable_fastpath
Trace injection
nano /etc/network/inject_trace_nft
# Inject chain
nft add "chain ip nat trace_chain { type filter hook prerouting priority -1; }"
nft add "chain ip filter4 trace_chain { type filter hook prerouting priority -1; }"
nft add "chain ip6 filter6 trace_chain { type filter hook prerouting priority -1; }"
echo "chain trace injected"
# Inject trace rules
nft add "rule ip nat trace_chain meta nftrace set 1"
nft add "rule ip filter4 trace_chain meta nftrace set 1"
nft add "rule ip6 filter6 trace_chain meta nftrace set 1"
echo "trace injected"
chmod 750 /etc/network/inject_trace_nft
Trace suppression
nano /etc/network/remove_trace_nft
# Remove trace rules
nft delete chain ip nat trace_chain
nft delete chain ip filter4 trace_chain
nft delete chain ip6 filter6 trace_chain
echo "chain trace removed"
chmod 750 /etc/network/remove_trace_nft
Trace usage
nft monitor trace